Monday, November 15, 2010

Do Not Disturb

No, we did not put that pillow over her eyes. She did it herself.

Yes, she really does sleep like this. This was not staged.

No, she normally does not sleep holding a bottle of milk. She must have been very tired that night though, so she fell asleep like a sentinel holding her weapon.  A vicious, scary.. bottle of milk.

Yes, she does want her stuffed toys around her, esp. the Barney dolls and the colorful Care Bear, as well as the violet elephant.

Note the judicious sprinkling of purple toys around her.  I think she gets it from me!

For some reason that we cannot fathom, she wants to cover her head with her pink pillow before she can sleep.  For nap-times this ritual can be skipped.  Night-time beddie-byes are another matter.

Apparently she wants complete darkness when she is about to fall asleep at night.  Even though all the lights are turned off already, she still persists in this habit.

The pillow is light enough so it cannot smother her.  She also does not cover her nose, just the eye portion. 

Sleep masks, here she comes!

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