Sunday, December 5, 2010

Oh No!

These days, "Oh no!" seems to be our toddler's pat answer whenever she is asked about something that she doesn't know.

Us: Where's your blanket?
Toddler: Oh no! (then proceeds to overturn her pillows)

Us: Where did you put your slippers?
Toddler: Oh no! (promptly looks underneath the chairs)

Us: Where's your kitty cat doll?
Toddler: Oh no! (goes to her older sister's room to rummage around there)

Us: Do you know where your milk bottle is?
Todder: Oh no! (smiles mischievously)

Right now it's just so adorable to hear her say these words. 

I'm not too convinced whether we'd still find it cute when she's in her teens and we ask her this:

Us: So would you happen to know where the car is?
Teen: Oh no! (with a sheepish grin perhaps?)

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