Sunday, April 10, 2011

Thankful for a Lot of Things

What am I thankful for these days?
  • That my older daughter has once again been awarded a gold medal in their recognition program, with special awards in English, Math and Reading. She makes it seem so effortless!
  • That my not-so-little toddler has been so quickly developing her communication skills and is now speaking in complete sentences, singing nursery rhymes and even making up her own tricks and jokes.
  • That my husband will be celebrating his birthday this month, even though it sits right smack in the Holy Week.
  • That my father will soon be celebrating his 75th birthday. It will be tinged with sadness though as our mother would not be here to witness this event.
  • That a short summer break from work is just around the corner. Times off like these are essential if we are to avoid burn-out. We really need this!
  • That we are all together as a family.

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