The spoiled commuter is back!
- The spoiled commuter can hop off a jeepney, cross the street while texting, with eyes glued to the cellphone in hand, with nary a care in the world. It is the obligation of other vehicle drivers to avoid the commuter.
- Filipino commuters should not be given the burden of climbing the steep stairs of pedestrian overpasses just for the sole purpose of crossing to the other side of the road! It's so easy to dodge traffic anyway, so why bother? The closest distance between two points is a straight line after all!
- No trashcan in the vehicle? The commuter will not be bothered to hold on to such undignified a thing as trash. Solution: throw the bothersome thing outside the window, let it fly, be it a cigarette butt, a half-eaten corn-on-the-cob, plastic cups, candy wrappers, even styrofoam containers! It's the jeepney/bus/taxi/tricycle driver's fault anyway for not providing a receptacle for rubbish.
- Pining for a smoke? The Filipino commuter won't have any qualms about lighting up. The other passengers can cover their noses with their hands or hankies, so what's the big deal?
- It should be no issue at all if a Filipino commuter boards a jeepney with three huge boxes of goods, a TV, several bayongs of pinamalengke, and multiple grocery bags. The owners of the feet who will get squished should just try to find someplace else on which to plant their appendages. After all, everybody does it at one time or another.
- The Filipino commuters will not consider simple matters like hygiene and sensibilities when there is a need to expectorate some phlegm, or to remove the pesky bits from their noses and try to flick them away with sticky fingers, or to stick a pinky in their ears and examine their haul, or even remove whiskers and stubble with two coins as a makeshift pair of tweezers. They're not bothering anybody else, so why should everybody else be offended?
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