Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Last Day of Vacation Blues

Tomorrow, the 4th of January, will be our first day back in the office. As always, the break from the daily grind still does not seem enough. Nope, the two-week-off rest still feels a tad bit too short. I can already feel the stress level creeping up. Would that I could continue to block off the work mindset for a few more hours.

I can already foresee the hundreds of emails that have flooded my inbox during the holiday season. I can only hope that a lot of those are of the FYI nature. If wishes were horses...

A lunch out with the hubby and the little ones, a continuation of the House marathon, accompanying the kids on their biking session -- these mark the last day of our vacation.

Yes, our vacation might have felt short, but the days were spent with family. And that is what ultimately matters.

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