Yep, you read it right, 101 without the extra zero in between. I didn't suddenly turn into Scheherazade, although I would certainly welcome that storytelling skill to lull my older daughter to slumberland!
Back to 101.
Today was my first day back in the office, and I had some bouts of separation anxiety from being away from my baby, with whom I had spent the last 101 days and nights. Yes, 101 days and nights of being with her almost 24/7, of being (almost always) within 20 feet of her, of being able to run and comfort her whenever she whimpered, or cried, or hungered for milk, or needed to be burped, or was sleepy, or just needed to be held and cuddled.
Or maybe it was I who needed to hold and cuddle her, to smell her milky-baby powdery-scent, to feel her head with its warm fuzzy hair nestled on my shoulder, for my own comfort. It was I who needed to gaze at her and wonder at the way her innocent eyes would look at me, I who wanted to see her whole face light up whenever I smiled at her and she would smile back and chuckle, with her dimpled left cheek and oh-so-happy gurgles ensuring that I was wrapped around her teensy little finger.
Things weren't so bad today though -- I was not on the phone calling home every hour, nor was I constantly obsessing over how my baby was doing every minute. Of course it helped that the office is just a 5-minute drive from our house, and that we even get to go home for lunch everyday. It's also comforting to know that we can go home in no time at all if there is an actual emergency (knock on wood!). And of course the flood of email messages and scheduled meetings and reports to accomplish took a large chunk of time as well.
All in all I actually think I did well.
Till tomorrow comes. And I start missing her again.
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