Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It's a Good Life

It has been a tiring day, requiring us to stay in the office well past sundown. After arriving home, it took a bit of effort to shake off the cares of the office, and slip into Mommy-mode.

I'm glad I'm there now.

I am thankful for two daughters who never fail to make me smile: for a toddler who amuses us with her new words and funny antics ("lo-pap" for lollipop, showing off her "sour pickle face"), a little girl who's just brimming with talent (she loves to read, and write, and draw, and swim like a fish).

I am thankful for a husband who is able to rise out my mood swings, and is supportive and patient. No matter that he is at times glued to the computer playing his favorite stress-relieving games -- he is always willing to leave them behind to spend time with me and the kids.

I am thankful for family members who are with us right now, as they make the kids happy and feel loved.

It's a good life.

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