Thursday, February 10, 2011

Still Thankful

I am proud to have been able to continue with my Thank You chronicles, even though I do not call them that in the title anymore. I am trying to constantly find something to be thankful for. Some days are easy, others take a bit more effort. But as I look at the balance sheet, I believe the good far outweigh the bad.

Today I am thankful for dark pink calachuchi flowers, which were handed to me by my two daughters as we trudged home after a short walk. They are not what normally would come to mind when thinking of flowers, but they are nonetheless beautiful.

I am thankful for Flat Tops chocolates -- they are simple fare, inexpensive, and remind me of my childhood. I think they taste the same as Curly Tops, except that, uhhh... one has a smooth top and the other one's is.. curly.

I am grateful for being able to go home for lunch everyday (with the exception of business lunches of course), and have a brief rconnect with the family.

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