Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Gift of Daughters (The Thank You Chronicles: Jan 8)

I am grateful for:
  1. The chance to read Bible stories to our little girl, and answer her questions, and explain how these stories give valuable lessons that relate to everyday life. Her curiosity and numerous questions exhibit a hunger for knowledge that we should never ignore.
  2. Our toddler falling asleep in my arms. Every instance that I feel her baby weight in my arms becomes all the more precious when I think that in a few more years she will be too big to carry, and that she will want to fall asleep in her own bed, with her own rituals, her own pillows, her own dreams.
  3. The love that exists between our two daughters. Whenever we see them holding hands we breathe a simple prayer of thanks, and hope that this connection between them remain strong as they go through life.

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