Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Weekend is Over

There's still about an hour and a half till midnight. The weekend is almost officially over. Another work-week looms ahead.

This weekend I am thankful that:
  1. The toddler has continued to sleep in a room shared with her older sister. She has seemingly made a seamless transition from her crib in our room, to a mattress in an adjoining room. Although I feel a bit surprised at times that I do not see her in her crib at night anymore, it has given us more sleep-time at least!
  2. We had leftovers for lunch. A surprising sentiment, one that I will admit I did not have at first, given that we had a full freezer and pantry anyway. But upon closer introspection, I have come to the conclusion that it is good to have some leftovers to eat at the next meal, than to have a dearth of food in the house. And it is also a way of giving thanks to the Almighty that we finish off the food that He has generously given.
  3. I still have time at night to read books! This is my "happy place", my antidote to things that encroach on my peace of mind. 
May the next week find me still in a state of gratitude.

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