Saturday, January 1, 2011

Welcoming the New Year (The Thank You Chronicles: Jan 1)

It's the first day of the new year: 1-1-11. What an auspicious set of numbers! First day, first month of the new decade.

Cliched though it may be, it also signifies new beginnings, new chances. It might just be another day after all, in this cycle of life, but there is a certain psychological closure in ending a year and beginning the next. Calendars mark more than the passing of days, but provide emotional milestones as well. The concept of Janus as the god of doorways is quite apt, indeed.

Resolutions are de rigueur during the start of every year. Whether they are actually followed is beside the point. The mere thought of changing something, or doing something new, for the next 365 (or 366) days provides an energizing force for most, with he hope that these don't fizzle out and go pfft early on.

I have one resolution for the year, which I hope to sustain with the help of this blog. 

It is to Give Thanks. To be more grateful for all the blessings I receive, and express my gratitude in a more immediate way. To recognize that everyday pleasures are gifts in and of themselves.

At least once a week, I would like to write about at least 3 things that I am most grateful for.  At the end of the year, I would like to browse over these year-round entries, and smile at the recollection of all the good that has happened.

I would like to kick it off now:
  1. The gift of a healthy and loving family. Sure, there may be times when the little ones are a bit too rambunctious, or the hubby seems to be too glued to the computer. But hey, isn't it better to see one's kids running around happily in the comfort of one's home, wanting their parents' company, than seeing them preferring to stay outside and be with others? That they have the energy to romp and tumble and sing and dance, than see them sick and weak with illness? That the hubby opts to spend time with the kids and have a bit of play-time at the computer, rather than playing around someplace else? It is all a matter of perspective.
  2. The gift of food, clothing and shelter. And so much more. We have been blessed to be able to provide these things to our family. There are times when we accept these as commonplace, and forget just how lucky we actually are. Then a trip to an orphanage, or a glance at those who can barely make ends meet, makes eveything come into focus once more.  There, but for the Grace of God, go we.
  3. The gift of writing. I have always had an affinity with the written word, both in the reading and in the crafting of it. I hope to further hone this skill by writing more, and not just in the ways I have been used to. I'll make sure and provide updates on this blog...
As I type these words I am more thankful than ever. Life may not always be as easy-peasy as we want it, and there will be tears interspersed with the smiles. But all of these help us learn, and grow, and mayhap, be all the better for it.

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